
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Installing profile boards

As this module is going to have terrain above the level of the main bench work, I felt it necessary to install fascia or profile boards above the main bench work.   If the module were being built from scratch as a mountain division module, then the framework of the module could have been designed with this in mind but since this is an old flat module, these will need to be retro fitted.

First step is to cut out the pieces needed and shape the contours.  I used 1/4 inch plywood that was left over from building the light weight sky board for this module.

Before placing the profile boards, I installed a strip of 1/4 inch plywood as showed in this photo.  In some places on taller sections, a brace can be added to help strengthen  and hold the alignment.  Everything is glued with yellow carpenters glue.

In the case of a module like this one, it is important to get the new profile boards on the ends in alignment vertically with the existing module frame.

Later, I'll seal both the insides and outsides of these profiles boards to seal them.  Then the terrain on the inside will be filled out with layers of foam insulation board.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Building the AsiaNrail line

In the past week I did manage to get out to the garage a few times and continue with the bench work phase of this project.  I did install the cork roadbed on the Mountain Division and AsiaNrail lines so I could better finalize the track plan.  I decided on the more conservative single crossover between the lines so that I could allow for a wider radius curve on the AsiaNrail line and for a longer platform siding at the station.  Also started on the fascia on the sides and the front of the module.

This view from the front of the module shows how I placed the piers to support the AsiaNrail line as it diverges from the Ntrak Mountain Division line.

The piers are made from 1/2 inch plywood and attached to the module base with screws and then the AsiaNrail lines sub-road bed is attached with pneumatic cabinet nails.  Of course yellow carpenters glue is also used in both places.

Here's a view from the other direction and the AsiaNrail is seen passing over the Ntrak main lines being represented at this point by three black marker lines.

Also seen here is some of the front fascia board.  I'll talk more about that in the next post.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Testing the track layout

With previous modules or layouts I've used full sized paper printouts of Peco and Micro Engineering turnouts pasted to folder stock to test my track layout. I had quite a few used Peco turnouts and sections of Atlas flex track that had been given to me over the years and decided to use them to try out my track ideas for this module.  Using these I could actually solder the sections together to see how they would all work together.

This view is from the back of the module.  I found that by using a curved turnout to start the stub end siding to the station and could make the curve of the AsiaNrail line a slightly larger radius.
Here the piece of 1/4 inch plywood that will be used for the sub roadbed is temporarily placed so that the cut marks can be made.

This view from the front.  The AsiaNrail sub roadbed has been cut and installed on risers to carry it to the front of the module.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Adding the Ntrak Mountain Division

After all this effort to remove some of the weight from the original module, it is now time to start adding some back.  Remember that old 1/2 inch sky board mentioned a few posts back?  Well some of it got recycled here to make the road bed for the mountain division track.  A strip 2-7/8" wide was cut lengthwise on the table saw and this was attached on the center line 4" from the sky board

Ntrak specs call for the sub road bed to be 3-1/8 inches higher than the main lines.  I cut a strip of 1/2 inch plywood 2-7/8 inches wide, then drilled a series of holes with the hole saw.  I was able to make these holes with the drill press which made it easier.  This got attached edgewise on the line 4 inches from the rear of the module.  The photo above shows this from the rear of the module.  

For the actual sub road bed, another strip of the 1/2 inch plywood was attached to the edgewise to give the mountain division line the required height of 3-1/8 inches.  As there would be a siding for the station on the front side of the mountain line, several scraps 2-7/8 inches long were placed as shown in the photo above to support it.  Besides carpenters wood glue the edgewise strip was attached to the module with screws and the sub road bed was attached to edgewise strip with 7/8 inch finishing nails from a nail gun.