
Thursday, May 30, 2019

First update on the new module

Several things have been accomplished over the last week or so in the rebuilding of this module. The modification to the module that I started to give it a channel for a highway underpass is now complete.
The underside has been re-sealed with some left over paint and the aluminum brackets for the electrical connections pointed out here with the blue arrows are done.
I finished a new set of legs for this module.  This is a copy of the set I built for the first module last year and is covered in some detail in THIS POST.

These legs are adjustable to the 2 heights we set the layout up at.  Both sets are shown here with each being at a different height.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Starting the 2nd 45 degree module

I know I've been away from this blog for awhile working on my American Prototype home layout and also doing some traveling.  Over the course of this summer I will be rebuilding the second of the two 45 degree modules for the AsiaNrail layout.   These modules were originally built in the 1970's by Jim FitzGearld.  I rebuilt the first of these two modules last year and call it the Kaigan or Shoreline module as the scene I created is a shoreline.  The blog posts on it's re-construction can be see HERE.

This is what both modules looked like when I got them.  These were about 40 years old at that point.

As with the first module, I wanted to use the depth of the module frame to some effect so I decided to create a highway underpass.  In this photo the cuts have been made and base lowered for the highway.  More posts to follow as this project progresses.