
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Streets and Buildings

While I already had several completed Kato, Tomix, and Green Max buildings, I wanted to scratch build some key buildings that are close to the Musashi-Koyama station.

This is a photo that I took just outside the station in 2005.  I decided to focus on the block of buildings seen in this photo.  I  also found it helpful to use  Google Street View images to observe the placement and details of some of these buildings.
During the fall of 2009 I laid out all of the streets using .020 styrene and began placing some of the buildings that I already had and also began to scratch build a model resembling the block of buildings shown in the photo above. 

This is the model of that block of buildings as shown in January of 2010.  These buildings are actually all one assembly.  The taller buildings are scratch built and the 2 story buildings are made from Green Max modular kits.

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