
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Green Max block of stores

Just to the left of the arcade entrance is a row of small shops.

I used 4 of the 6 shop buildings that come in Green Max kit # 33.  The taller building is from Green Max kit #46-6.  The buildings are attached to a styrene base that is removable from the module.

As this group of buildings is exclusively Green Max, I call it the Green Max block.  Just As I have done with the Musashi-Koyama station and the arcade entrance, the assembled basic structures will be set aside and I'll move on the the next block of buildings.  Later I will paint and detail each block.

Green Max kits have been around for a long time.  While they are models of Japanese buildings, American modelers have used these to model American buildings back when there were not so many choices for buildings in N scale. 

There was a time when it hard to find Green Max kits in the US, but thanks ebay it is much easier now.  There are a couple of good sellers in Japan who regularly carry them.

One can get very creative with these kits.  As these buildings will only be seen from the front, I used blank styrene for the back and side walls.  The walls from the kit will be used to make more buildings.


  1. This was the kit in question that I just completed. I didn't think about this kind of kit-bashing. Smart stuff. Looks like I might be picking up a few more GreenMax kits! :)

    1. Hi Malcolm,

      If you have not seen it already, check out Doug Coster's page on the Green Max and other buildings that he has finished. Many are greatly modified.

      It's at

  2. Great buildings, no doubt! But if you really want some very special please look at
    Reflecting city structures will set very impressive landmarks on your N scale layout!
