
Sunday, February 20, 2011

A row of Green Max houses

Green Max kit # 34 is a set of 6 two story Japanese houses.  The design of this kit is very similar to the stores in kit # 33.  The roofs and bases are common to both kits.

Like the stores, these kits are easily modified to create some very unique structures.  I thought these would be a great way to add depth to the scene around the station.

I used about half the kit to build this small row of houses that will be used on the module.   
Each house comes with a small base.  I used two of those and made a custom base of .040 styrene for the middle house.  After this small scene is painted and detailed, it will be attached to the module.


  1. Like the stores, these kits are easily modified to create some very unique structures. I thought these would be a great way to add depth to the scene around the station.

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  3. Fantastic discussion about Green Max houses. It looks great. Thanks for discussing about this. I want to build a house just like that. exercise equipment
