
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rails to trails in Tokyo ?

I had wondered what had happened to the old right of way where the surface tracks of the Tokyu Meguro line had been so on two different mornings I set out on foot to follow it.

This map shows the route I followed over the two days.  The dashed red line on GoogleMaps indicates a subway line.

On the first morning I walked from Musashi-Koyama toward Fudomae.
Closest to the Musashi-Koyama station are some bicycle parking areas

During the construction period it seemed that parked bicycles clogged all the approaches to the station so this is an improvement.  It cost 100 yen to park a bike for the day.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that much of the old right of way had been turned into a brick paved walking trail with trees and flowers planted along the sides.  As this photo shows, the space was not very wide.

There were also signs along the way like this one that show where you are at.  I can't read much of it but the drawings of trolleys and track would suggest to me that this used to be a railroad.

Nothing has yet been done with the last portion of the abandoned right-of way just before the Fudome station other than removal of tracks and overhead structures.  This shot is looking toward Fudome.

On another day I walked in the other direction toward Nishi-Koyama.  The pattern of what had been done was similar with bicycle parking areas near the station and then sections of brick walking path.

These homes that had been next to the tracks look very similar to the models offered by Tomix and Green Max.

This is the new subway station at Nishi-Koyama.  Very similar to the one at Musashi-Koyama with the Tokyu food store above.

1 comment:

  1. There are some awesome detail elements in here. I'll add them to my details list!
