
Friday, November 9, 2012

Progress report for November 9, 2012

Lately I've been doing some tweaking on the blog itself.  I had noticed that the text in some of the older posts did not line up right with the photos the way they did when they were first posted so I've been going through and fixing some of that then checking it with Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers.  I've also started to put labels in more of the posts and may add a labels gadget to the blog in the future.

But I've also been doing some work on the Hot Springs Junction module project. Seems most of us model railroaders can't wait to start laying cork and track and I'm no different so today I got the cork down for the Ntrak main lines.  I use the old standard Midwest Products N Scale cork roadbed.  On this module I had already done the Ntrak Mountain Division line and the AsiaNrail line.

Nothing special about my method of laying down cork roadbed.  I draw a center line and lay one side down along the line with white glue.  Hold with push pins until it dries. Then lay the other side down the same way.

The next step will be to sand the edges with a sanding block at a shallower angle then the one that is already cut.  One reason I decided to get the cork done now was that these tracks will be down in a cut and I will have better access for the sanding block before the foam terrain is in.  That might be tomorrows project.

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