
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Modeling Tokyo taxi cabs

Any model scene of Tokyo should include some taxi cabs, this is especially true when a train station is part of that scene. I have been wishing for some time that TomyTec would release a set of modern taxis.

Recently I got my wish when I found these 4 taxi sets by TomyTec and Kato on ebay.  The TomyTec set included 2 Toyota Crowns and 2 Toyota Prius models.   The Kato set had 4 sedans but I'm not sure of the make or model.

Here's a comparsion of the 3 different models.  The TomyTec taxis have all the same great detail of their other recent vehicles.

Both TomyTec and Kato taxis even had green license plates like the taxis do in Tokyo.  The TomyTec taxis all came with the same rooftop lantern but the Kato set came with a variety of lanterns as separate parts.
So now I have the beginnings of a Tokyo taxi fleet. During the subway construction period I model there was no proper taxi stand at Musashi-Koyama station.  A short distance from the station the taxis would line up along the street.


  1. Thanks for giving that type information.That information is so helpful to us.Will be visit again on your website.

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  2. Jumping on my order site now to see if they have these sets!
    (Then I guess I need to get back to work...) :)
