
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Food trucks in Japan

On the Wednesday of the week of the Trains and Planes exhibit, several food trucks parked in front of the Hiller Aviation Museum during lunch time.  This was the one day I got Nona to go with me to the show.   Seeing the food trucks reminded me of some we saw last year in Sapporo, Japan.

Yes, they do have these type of food trucks in Japan and here's a couple photos.  While a bit smaller than their American counterpart, they are rather large compared to most vehicles in Japan.

I thought these might be something interesting to model sometime so took these photos for future reference. I'll need to keep an eye out for a suitable vehicle to start with.

Another milestone

The Tokyo in N Scale blog recently passed 40,000 page views.  Again, thanks to everyone for your interest and encouragement.

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