
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Most recent visit to Japan

It's been a while since I've posted anything.  That's because Nona and I have been traveling in Asia.  Our trip took us to Osaka and Hiroshima in Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong in China, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, and then Singapore.  We ended the trip with a week in Tokyo.  This was my first time to any countries in Asia besides Japan.  I found each place we visited to be interesting and a little different from any other places I've been too.

This was the view from our hotel room window near the Hazomon Metro station in central Tokyo.  That's the new Tokyo Skytree in the distance.

Because we were so close to a Metro station and the connections were good to everywhere we were going, we actually went for the full week not riding any surface trains in Tokyo.

Whenever we have visited Japan I've always come away with new experiences, new modeling ideas, and new trains that I wanted to buy.  This latest trip is no exception, and I'll be expanding on some of this in future posts.

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