
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

More construction site fencing

It's been quite awhile since I posted anything on this blog.  I have continued to be active in the hobby mostly working on my American prototype home layout.  Not having had an opportunity to display my Japanese prototype modules I have not been motivated to do any work on them either.  We do have our annual week long exhibit at the Hiller Aviation Museum coming up at the end of this month so I am now getting the modules ready for that event.

Last year my wife and I did spend a month in Japan splitting the time between Tokyo, Kyushu, and some places in between.  While there I did pick up a few more things for the Musashi-Koyama modules.

The first one is TomyTec number 052 from the Diorama Collection, construction fencing which I bought while visiting the Tomix shop in Saitama.

Larger construction sites in Japan have folding gates with a rail high enough for large vehicles to pass under when the gate is opened.  I took this photo in Tokyo last year as a reference for modeling construction fencing and gates.   We walked past this spot many times over a 2 week period.
This set includes several long and short fence sections, an open gate, and a closed gate.  The support pieces need to be cut off from the spues and glued to the fence and gate sections.
Here I am test fitting this new fencing in place of the walls that I had scratch built from styrene sheet.  The opened gate can be seen in the background.  Once placement is finalized the new fencing will be secured with adhesive.

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