
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Building the Aoshima Apartments

The kit comes with easy to follow instructions.  In the first steps they have you assemble the internal floors and walls and the walls around the stair towers. The stairs were the same color as the walls which I did not think realistic so I brush painted them with Floquil Concrete.

The color of the base did not look to me like concrete so I airbrushed this with Floquil Concrete.

I also installed two 4-40 screws through the base for mounting this building on the module as explained in the post Attaching Buildings.

The largest part of building this kit is installing the windows, balconies, and railings on the wall sections.  I found that everything in this kit fits together very well as long a you are careful to smooth the connections to the spues.

The kit comes with a decal set with window coverings both opened and closed that are meant to be applied to the inside of the windows.

The internal walls and floors come with openings that allow for installing interior lighting.  This should be done before installing the exterior wall assemblies.  After testing how the lighted building might look, I decided that I would set up some LED's inside some of the internal compartments of the building.

To be continued.

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