The Musashi-Koyama Palm shopping arcade is a one of the main features of my module set. While it was one of the first things started on these modules back in 2011, it has never been finished. For the past several weeks I've been going through the modules and finishing things area by area. It's now time to finish the Palm shopping arcade.
A pair of Tomix corner buildings form the entrance to the Palm Arcade. The finishing of one of these was covered in detail in the previous post. This second one is modeled after some businesses that are still there and I could use those as a reference, creating some similar signs to those that are actually there. The first floor of this building is a bakery and the second floor is a pawn shop.
The flooring for the arcade was created using Microsoft Visio. Patterns of tiles were copied from those seen on Google street view images. The patterns were made smaller and closer together toward the back to suggest a force perspective in the scene. This took quite a bit of trail and error before I got it right and it fit into the unusual shape. The final printout was sealed with glossy packaging tape to give it some shine.
The original printed image on the back wall was from a photo I had taken. After test fitting the cover I was not satisfied with how well it looked with the floor so I found a better one on Google street view. This also took many attempts to get it into the right size and position. Then a photo of the front of a Diaso store was pasted along the wall on the right side. There is actually a Diaso store within the Palm Arcade but it's in a different location. A pair of LED light boards from Atlas locomotives that were left over from decoder installations were used to illuminate the inside of the arcade.
Before re-installing the structure that included the roof, I added some figures. I found that the canopy glue that I have been using to stick figures down was not holding as well on the glossy tape surface of the tile floor to instead went back to using E6000 adhesive for this job.
Here is the finished scene. The actual location goes on for over 2000 feet but my model is only 5 inches deep.